About Us


Provide a personalized service, always exceeding customer expectations, offering the best tourism options to satisfy their needs and desires. We seek to promote regenerative and sustainable trips that offer the opportunity not only to visit amazing places, but to contribute to a just world in which small tourist initiatives guide our itinerary and transform our way of seeing journeys.


Expand to offer our online travel agency services to national and international tourism to all the main destinations in Mexico; maintaining high quality standards and personalized, warm and human that distinguishes us, constantly innovating to achieve greater efficiency in processes and provide better service every day.

About Us?

Kiinbal is a unique agency, created to live great experiences; with the best destinations anywhere in Mexico, exclusive places that will allow you to have exceptional adventures with our circuits and tours.

Kiinbal arrives to revolutionize tourism, bringing together the most “instagrammable” places and at the same time homologous destinations, less explored, but just as fascinating and fun, maintaining the classic and popular routes of iconic Mexico.

  • Corporate tripsIncentive trips, family trips, conventions and graduations to any part of the Mexican Republic, are some of our options.
  • Tailor-made tripsis another of our initiatives, where we give a different value to each activity carried out, conceiving the trip in a more relaxed way, disconnecting from the routine to genuinely reconnect with yourself, the place, its culture, and customs. .

We do not sell trips, we offer experience, adventure and autonomy. We are a group of professionals, who know the needs for your fun, and we decided to create this start up that provides the adventures that you and your family are looking for, but with a sustainable sense, and that in turn allow the residents to regenerate the beauties natural surroundings.



"Our sustainable development objectives are adapted to the sustainable objectives of the ONU".